Aerial surveys by drone
Surveying is the science of measuring positions and distances between points in 2D and 3D space. The resulting models and maps provide essential data for engineering and construction projects. [...]
Surveying is the science of measuring positions and distances between points in 2D and 3D space. The resulting models and maps provide essential data for engineering and construction projects. [...]
Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam eget enim. [...]
Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam eget enim. [...]
Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam eget enim. [...]
Scout Aerial Group has a diversified portfolio of market-leading businesses and targeted investments in Remote Sensing and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).
We are committed to providing safe aerial solutions for our clients, with reduced delivery times, cost savings and minimal environmental impact.